Fengshui-how to choose the right house for residence and business 

  1. House type: Wang Cai Wang Ding. As the name suggests, this is a house that is both beneficial to residence and business. It is good for your health and social relations as well. If you have an unstable income, this also helps. If you choose this house for business, it is good for the sales of valuable or luxurious items and well-received products as well.
  2. House type: Wang Ding Not Wang Cai. This is an ideal residence for government officials or retired staff. It is good for your health and friends would love to pay a visit. However, it is not helpful for young people who are doing business. If it works as a store or shop, it should sell products that are cheap but in bulk. 
  3. House type: Wang Cai Not Wang Ding. This is an ideal residence for young people who have unstable incomes but are ambitious to fight for success since it is good for earning money. If the house works as a shop or store, it better deal with products that are in small quantities but are luxurious. 
  4. House type: Neither Wang Cai Nor Wang Ding. As the name suggests, this house adds no extra value in doing business, making money, relating with people and being no good for health. 

Connect with our advisor to know which type of house Fengshui is yours and how you can boost the Fengshui value.
