Burial Site Fengshui in China 


Chinese people believe that the burial site of their deceased relatives, who are related to them by blood will have a great influence on the fate of their descendants.

In ancient China, there were cases where several families would compete for the bones of the deceased. (If cremated, the remains become inorganic matter, so there is no longer a connection based on blood relations.)

Burying the bones of ancestors in different mountain and water formations will have different effects on future generations, which is called “yin zhai feng shui” in China. There are many practitioners of yin zhai feng shui in China. Yin zhai feng shui” (阴宅风水) is a traditional Chinese practice of geomancy or divination that focuses on the arrangement and design of burial sites for the deceased. “Yin” refers to the idea of yin and yang, which are two complementary but opposing principles in traditional Chinese philosophy. Thus the opposite of yin zhai feng shui is yang zhai feng shui, and the two systems of feng shui are completely different. 

On Yin zhai Fengshui,which is burial site Fengshui, there are a lot rules to mention. Firstly, the burial site must be in a location with beautiful mountains and clear water.Secondly, the left side of the burial site represents the son’s family, while the right side represents the daughter’s family. If the left side of the mountain is thicker, the son’s family will prosper. Conversely, if the right side is thicker, the daughter’s family will prosper.

According to birth order, the left side of the mountain is for the first, fourth, and seventh child; the middle is for the second, fifth, and eighth child; and the right side is for the third, sixth, and ninth child.
