Face-reading  to help navigate your right career path 

boss, face-reading

Choosing a right career path is a lifelong process, but you can get assistance through Chinese divination, face-reading. It helps to give guidance and insight to nail down a right career path.

Let us get into the details. 

  1. Take a look at your forehead. At the tip of both sides on our forehead, if there’s no hair and no wrinkle, without any scar or acne,it means you are capable to have a job always on travel. If there is an opportunity for you to stay far away from home for a couple of years, you are perfectly fine with it. You will receive unexpected support when you are work outside.  
  2. Take a look at the glabella, the areas between your eyebrows and above the nose. If the area is wide, then you shall do a job that connects with people for external communication.  If it is narrow, then you shall do internal work at an organization like admin or resource management. 
  3. Take a look at your eyebrows. If your eyebrows are thick and bushy,you shall choose a career that emphasizes the whole picture and its structure. If eyebrows are slender and fine, you shall choose a career that needs close attention to details and sorted things out. 
  4. Take a look at the distance between your eyes. If the distance is wide, you are gifted with painting and good at it after training. You shall do a job needs your memory because you always have an impression with things or people. If the distance is narrow, you shall do a job that needs observation for example checking with technical issues or doing criminal investigation. You are always good at investigating people and things. 
  5. Take a look at your brow ridge and cheekbone. If you have a strong cheekbone or brow ridge, you are good at doing an aggressive job, for example boxing.
  6. Take a look at your nose. Compare with the size of your face, if you have a small nose, you are good at connecting with people and doing communication; if you have a big nose, you shall do a job needs professionalisms and focuses on your expertise. 
  7. Take a look at you mouth. If it is a big one, it shows you have a generous and easygoing personality, and you shall do work requires leadership. If you mouth is small, you shall do a job that gives assistances at work for example administration or IT support. 
  8. Take a look at the distance between your eyes and eyebrows. If the distance is wide,it means you think family and relationships matter,you shall do a job that values the work and life balance, giving more time for you to stay with your family. For example, a job at a state-owned institute. If the distance between your eyes and eyebrows is narrow, it shows you are good at calculating things with its most use without any subjective feeling, you shall do a job that values the result and outcome, for example  the department in Human Resources that expels employees.
  9. Take a look at your jaw bone. if your jaw bone is not strong, you shall avoid doing job that is busy and full of pressure. 

Now you know how to navigate your career path through face-reading,stay with my post and the next article will be how to choose a right  career through palmistry. 

boss, face-reading
