Palmistry to help choose the right career 

tell your ability through the shape of your hands

In the last article we talked about the relation between face-telling and career, this article would offer guidance on palmistry and its relation to the right career path.

We have a say that face-telling tells you the way you live in the view of others, however, palmistry reads the real life you are living. Let’s dive into the details.

First, tell the feeling and features of your palms.Your palms have to be soft, as soft as touching the cotton. The softer they are, the richer you are. If your palms are soft enough to get through a jade bracelet, it shows that you make a living through ease and wit. You can gain wealth through your brain. On the contrary, if your palms feel hard, you make money through your hands and efforts.

Second, tell the color of your palms. The No.1 lucky color is white. If your palms look white, you can live a life of leisure and wealth. You have great luck with money, such as receiving an unexpected amount of money. Then the color pink can also be good. It means you can gain a lot with a few efforts. Then the color ruby. A lot of entrepreneurs have this color in their palms. It means you need to gain with everything controlled and managed on your own. No pain, no gain. The last color your palms shall be is dark and dull. It means you only gain little with a lot of hardship and effort. You make a living through very hardship. Last but not the least, you should be alert and get a medical check for cardiovascular diseases If small clots appear in your palms.

Third, look at the length of your fingers.If your middle finger is very long, it shows you like learning knowledge more than getting along with people. You enjoy solitude. You should choose a career as an outsource of a company such as a special consultant.
If your index finger is very long, it shows you prefer leading people or asking people to do things instead of taking orders. Leading people seem undesirable but it is the task that some on-site jobs are needed, such as site manager or coordinator.
If your ring finger is very long, it shows you love to be the center of others, being fashionably attractive and high-profile. Party/events planner and marketing communication jobs should be your choice.
If your little finger is very long, it shows you are hard to trust people and always skeptical about everything. You are sophisticated and very likely to be a great businessman.
If your thumb is very long, it shows you have determination and firmness of mind. It is likely you can be successful in an industry that requires determination. By the way, long thumbs are the key to success.

Last, look at the lines of your mind.If your lines of mind are horizontally extended, it shows you values fact and reality. A STEM job should be your choice. If your lines of mind are vertically extended, it shows you value imagination. A creative and fine art job should be your choice. If the area at the tip or the end of the lines of your mind is plump, it shows you can launch great attacks or receive attacks from others, you can find jobs that need physical strength. The jobs of firefighters, police officers, or athletes should be your choice.

Now you know how to choose your career through palmistry.
