Chinese divination Fengshui in modern house design




Chinese divination, Fengshui in modern house design has a long history and great reputation. This service can give you insight on how to design your house in a right way. Our advisor will give you detailed guidance on how to find the right position of Tianyi, Taohua and Wugui. 

For example, Wugui position, brings inauspicious influence on one’s health and luck. The last thing you should do is to stay on this position. If you design this Wugui position as your bedroom, it attacks your physical condition, leading to illness to the person stay in bedroom; if you design Wugui as your kitchen, it attacks people dinning or eating food from this kitchen, leading to illness across the whole house, particularly males in the house. Even if you put an air conditioner on that spot, it would spread the inauspicious influence across the whole house.

Want to know how to dissolve the inauspicious influence by Wugui? Whether your house Fengshui design in a favorable way? Put this service into your cart and connect with our advisor today. 



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