Inauspicious influences brought by construction and how to remove it



Inauspicious influences can be brought by construction while this service gives you fengshui insight on how to dissolve them.

When there comes a place being taking down, building up, digging a hole, or furnishing the outside wall, that process brings inauspicious influence we call Dongtu Sha. It brings serious harmful influence. The bigger the construction site gets, the severe influence it would bring. You can read more about Dongtu Sha here. 

The most common influence would be our health condition. When Dongtu Sha attacks a family, it would firstly attack pets and children, secondly seniors, and females and man at last. It would aggravate your illness. Its attack would not stop until three months after the construction finishes. Our advisor would offer a magic circle, called Five Agents Fengshui array dissolves inauspicious influences. Born out from the Yinyang Five Agents theory, this Fengshui array would dissolve Dongtu Sha, leading back a normal and healthy life.



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