Relationships.Marriage is not the only option

In relationships, marriage is far different from living together and It is more than creating a commitment. Not all things stay the seem after getting married, everyone would feel the burden, responsibility, and commitment.

Once you committed, it is hard to change or release it. It is quite similar to making a living with your hobby instead of just being interested in it. It is two things for one loves playing video games and to make a living through it. You can feel the belt of commitment.

You can take care of your marriage to make it lovely and sweet. However, destiny can not be changed. Everyone has a different destiny in marriage, someone cannot have a husband. Someone (in many years) has a husband but he cannot give his support in this marriage. For these people, getting married to their partners is not a good choice. My suggestion is to live together without the official nomination. Everything would become different once you try to sign up for your marriage license. The problem could be disputes or arguments between each other or breaking up and divorce. Even children would abandon the relationship with you and your partner.

I want to offer some insights on marriage through face-reading. ( You can discover more suggestions on face-reading for a right career path from this article.) A female with a small and flat nose, a strong cheekbone, or a bulging forehead has less luck with a normal marriage. In other words, she can live with her partner without getting officially married. Or she can have a relationship with her partner but they are not in the same place. She can also get married to a partner that is younger than her or ten years older than her. She can get married to a partner that has had a marriage. All the above choices would alleviate the inauspicious influence on her relationship.

However, everyone has his destiny. Marriage could be a good choice for those women. Their partners are very capable and can give great support to her and they have luck in their relationship.

At last, I want to share some opinions on men’s attitudes toward a relationship. Like women, some men would have the same inauspicious influence in their relationship but because of their altitude and mind, the result would be different. For example, if a married man has an affair, he usually would cover up this experience instead of getting a divorce. However, a woman who has an affair would feel guilty and want to be frank with her partner. Sometimes she would end up with her own after telling the truth. At last, though having the same needs to be loved and to love, men are less complicated and sophisticated in a relationship. Even encountered the same problem with women, they would be less bothered and straightforward.
